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Applied Behavior Analysis

ABA Therapy in Georgia and South Carolina

About our ABA Therapy Services
Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) Therapy

What Is ABA Therapy?

ABA, or "Applied Behavior Analysis," is the standard of care for the treatment of autism spectrum disorders. ABA therapy is rooted in the scientific study of the principles of learning and behavior. In ABA therapy, we use specialized assessment methods to understand what motivates your child. We then use this motivation to teach your child socially significant behaviors. For more information, go to

Who Is Eligible For ABA Therapy?

ABA therapy has been shown to benefit a wide range of populations but is most consistently recognized as a treatment for autism spectrum disorders. Any individual needing to improve in a developmental or behavioral area would be considered “eligible” for ABA therapy. Some insurance companies will limit coverage to those individuals who hold an autism spectrum diagnosis.

Our Approach

We provide families who have children with special needs the opportunity to improve the independence, inclusion, and overall quality of life of their child. We do this through evidence-based, pragmatic treatment, consultation and teaching based on the principles of Applied Behavior Analysis.

This is an image of ABA therapy in Georgia.

What Skills Are Targeted In An ABA Therapy Program?
  • Toilet training
  • Adaptive living skills (including feeding, dressing, bathing, etc.)
  • Expressive language (including labeling objects, people, and emotions)
  • Receptive language (including following directions, selecting objects from a greater field)
  • Play & leisure skills (including how to play with toys, expanding interests outside of electronics)
  • Social skills (including initiating conversations, responding to questions from peers, engaging in interactive play)
  • Basic academic and pre-academic skills
  • Ready-to-learn behaviors (including sitting in a chair at a desk or table, refraining from grabbing materials when presented, and looking at the instructor)
A simple day playing with my youngest, Graham. I adore his imagination.

Compass ABA Services

Compass offers the highest quality of intensive, research-based behavioral treatment for children and young adults with autism spectrum and related disorders. Compass provides comprehensive services to children and their families in their homes, school, daycare and in clinic.

We utilize the latest assessment tools and treatment such as:

  • Skills-based assessments – ABLLS-R and VB-MAPP, AFELS
  • Evaluation Assessment- Vinaland-2, ADOS-2
  • Functional Behavior Assessments and interventions for severe challenging behavior
  • Asperger’s, High Functioning Autism, Pervasive Developmental Disorders. AUTISM
  • Intensive ABA therapies
  • Social Skill Training
  • Adaptive Skill Training
  • Discrete trial (DTT),
  • Verbal Behavior Therapy(VBT)
  • Natural Environment training (NET)

Shadowing services in schools and public settings

  1. Special education placement
  2. Combination of special education placement and mainstreaming program
  3. Full inclusion placement
  4. Daycare and any social setting
  5. At home
boy reading in his bed

Have Questions? Feel free to come to us with any questions or concerns.